Sioux whitepaper on model-based design for real-time embedded mechatronic systems using a 'fail fast, fail forward' approach

Sioux' system architect Emiel Nuijten en principal system designer Patrick van Bree hebben een whitepaper geschreven over het gebruik van model-based design principes en snelle iteraties bij het ontwikkelen van complexe mechatronische systemen. Hierbij werken mechatronici, mechanici, elektronici en software engineers op een zo efficiƫnt mogelijke manier samen.

Samenvatting in Engels:

Model-based design, can facilitate fast iterations of design cycles for complex mechatronic systems that are controlled by embedded real-time motion controllers. The method provides an efficient and effective way for inter disciplinary collaboration. Since knowledge transfer is carried out through models, communication errors about the implementation details become significantly reduced. Furthermore, it facilitates convenient introduction of novel state-of-the-art control algorithms.


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