Sioux Technologies hosted the Hot-or-Not event on the Future of System Engineering. The role of system engineers in high-tech machine building will change fundamentally in the coming decades. The future belongs to Artificial Intelligence. In our daily life, AI is already common practice and it will become part of our work routine as well.

The complexity of technical systems is increasing, and relatively small design decisions taken in separate disciplines (like e.g. Electronics or Mechanics) can have a significant impact on the total performance of the system. System Engineers have difficulty understanding the extent of this interminglement. Fortunately, machine learning techniques can help them to grasp the increasing complexity of system engineering.

Jim Stolze is the founder of Aigency, labeled by Japanese media as the world's first temp agency for bots and algorithms. He is co-founder of SingularityU and official ambassador for in Europe and the Middle East. His book on artificial intelligence has been in the Top100 for a full year now. Jim showed the audience how we can gain value from data, through the concept of machine learning.

Robert Hendriksen is senior software architect at Sioux Technologies, and the creator of the Sioux SuperModels tooling and the Sioux Holodeck, a virtual interdisciplinary design tool. Robert discussed how ‘digital abstraction’ can support the system engineers of the future. In his presentation, he took us into a world of new possibilities where everything is connected with each other and where machine learning will take our work to the next level.

More than 200 attendants followed the presentation live at Sioux or via our live stream. Given the outcome of the poll, this topic is very ‘hot’.

Watch the Recap


As a follow-up to the Hot-or-Not the Future of System Engineering Sioux initiated a cycle of additional exclusive events to dive deeper into relevant topics. More in-depth information about these topics can be found here:

More information

Got inspired? Do you have questions left about these topics or are you curious about how you can contribute actively to the future of system engineering? Please contact Arend-Jan Beltman or Martine Dubling, organizers of these Hot-or-Not sessions, for more information.

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